The Umreth Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd was established and registered with the Registrar of Co-op. Societies, Gujarat State vide registration number 12535 dated 29th October 1948.
Bank started its functioning as Co-op. Bank at Panchvati, Nr. Chokshi Bazar from 12th DECEMBER 1948.
Founder directors were from leading The Umreth Urban Co Op Bank Ltd like Late Shri Someshwar R. Bhatt (Founder Chairman) , Late Shri Chimanlal G. Patel (Managing Director), Late Shri Shantilal N. Parikh (Managing Director), Late Shri Chimanlal Somabhai Chokshi, Late Shri Punamchand Gordhandas Doshi. They Developed Banking Business on strong foundation of financial prudence and high quality service orientation for clients.
Bank got license for Banking from Reserve Bank of India bearing number UBD.GJ.400 P. DT 03-08-1984 And RBI LICENCE NO UBD AH / 781 DT. 7-12-2011 ( Dakor ).
Bank is governed by Board of Directors. Bank’s Board comprises of prominent personalities from all field of the Society. There are Chartered Accountants, Lawyer, Industrialists, Traders on the Board of the Bank.
The Board has always given priority to the interest of Bank’s Depositors who have placed their hard earned money with the bank. Therefore the Board has adopted a policy of care and vigil in selecting the business proposals on merits.
Bank has One Branch in Dakor City Only. Our branches are fully computerised and working on core banking solution since 1st May 2013. Bank is providing various services to its customers in a personalised environment.
Bank’s Deposits upto Rs. 5.00 lac is insured with Deposit Insurance & Credit Guarantee Corporation of India and Bank is regularly paying its premium. Bank’s CRAR as on 31st March 2022 is 22.69% . Bank’s Gross NPA as on 31st March 2022 is only 6.34 % and Net NPA is 0 %.